Thursday, July 03, 2008

Friday~ Meet the BabyCenter Mommas!

Friday was our big day of meeting up with the mom's I've known online for the last 3 yrs on Before then it was another day full of therapy for Liam so we ran errands before we left the next day.

We hit the city park, the post office, the city library (which by the way ROCKS). Tristan and Jason put this puzzle together and got a sticker for it.
Photobucket After getting gas and a car wash we were ready to head out!

We drove up north a bit to Redmond to Kim's house. It was beautiful and I'd have moved right in if she would have let me LOL
The boys and dads were instantly fascinated by the awesome game room in her basement.

Then they discovered the bouncy house outside!
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

We thought we were going to be late but we were first so we patiently waited for everyone else to arrive.

Kim was an awesome host, as was her husband. They fed us dinner and all. Griffin discovered the pink 4 wheeler and was not going to share. He rode it for quite awhile, complete with pink helmet!

If you've never tried.. it's VERY hard to get 9 kids in one picture and all looking.

Front: Tristan, Griffin Middle: Phoenix and Bailey Back: Lily, Liam, Scarlett, Evelyn and Charlotte.

Mommies and kids is a tiny bit easier:

Front: Kim and Bailey, Phoeniz, Liz and Scarlett Middle: Charlotte, Lisa, and Evelyn and Lily, Michelle and Liam. Back: Me and my monkeys

Moms only pic? WAY easier!!

Front: Lisa, Kim and Liz Back: Michelle and Me

Last but not least Kim chilled all the kids out before we left with a movie on the projector outside. The kids were hooked!

Thank you SO much for letting us visit your home Kim! We had a great time and can't wait to do it again. I only wish we lived closer to all of you!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I finally made my way over to your blog and forgive me as i have to catch up, but i love all these pixs and am so jealous you all got to meet one another. But so happy at the same time!
