Thursday, December 27, 2007

I'm back!

I'm sure no one even reads this anymore.. if they ever did LOL But I'm back. This year has been crazy and I haven't been doing any blogging and not any official homeschooling.. or at leat not as most would see it. We unschool all. the. time. I was just looking back and Tristan sure has grown the last year! I can't believe I have a 4 yr old! We're starting the curriculum over since we slacked off on it and I think Tristan has more patience for it now and will learn things quicker. Griffin will of course be playing along with us but I don't expect him to pick things up quite as quickly. Griffin still hardly talks but that's alright by me. He has some words and understands everything and will talk in time.

Well that's all for now.. but I'm back and we're schooling even more than ever!