Thursday, November 02, 2006

More ramblings from me

Wow 2 posts in a day LOL

Lately I've been feeling like a bit of a slacker about homeschooling. I know he's just 3 and doesn't need too much going on right now. But I'm feeling like a slacker. I really wanted to do that letter of the week stuff and we've just been SO busy we're hardly touching it and just reading the books on the topic of the week and sometimes coloring. I know he's learning things ALL the time from all the other stuff we do but I'm just feeling slackerish because I'm not being able to do the things I wanted to do with the program.

I feel a little bit better this morning. We read for about 20 mins this morning until Griffin went flying out of his high chair. (He's fine!) We read Chuckie goes to the Eye Dr. Tristan really enjoyed it and after Griffin was taken care of he got out his new doctor kit and played eye dr with Griffin. Griffin had no clue what he was doing but Tristan checked out his ears and eyes and can't wait to read the book again! If we hadn't already been to the eye dr this year I'd take him again.. maybe now he'd be more willing to cooperate LOL

I'm thrilled my little men are learning so many things so quickly! Griffin has mastered going DOWN stairs this week as well as falling :S He has given up a nap however and spends lots more time playing with his brother and being up to no good with him as well LOL I've sure got my hands full!!! But every day is a new day to learn things... even me!

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