Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How do you learn?

I took this little quiz today about Tristan's learning style. A lot of it I already knew.

The higher your child scores in one area, the more she prefers that
learning style. If she rates similarly across all three styles, that means she
uses all of them equally to grasp new information. A low score in any area means
your child hardly ever relies on that learning style. Here is what we can tell
about your child's learning style. (If you want to know about another child or a
child in another grade, you should complete
this assessment from the beginning

Visual: 35%
Tactile: 35%

Your child is a strong visual learner. Visual learners have an easier time
grasping concepts and understanding ideas when they're able to see information.
They work well with visual materials such as flash cards, videos, pictures, and
charts. Visual learners are usually great at reading and games of concentration.
For more on visual learners, click here.

Your child is also a strong tactile learner. Physical learners (also called
tactile-kinesthetic learners: "tactile" for touch, "kinesthetic" for movement)
are better able to understand ideas and retain information if they can "feel"
what you're trying to explain. This means that holding something in their hands
or participating physically in an activity helps them grasp a concept. Children
with strong tactile-kinesthetic skills are usually active and full of energy.
They do well with hands-on activities, such as shaping clay into a volcano, and
with games that require the use of their bodies, such as moving large block
letters around to form words. For more on physical learners, click here.

Compared to other learning styles, your child is not much of an auditory
Auditory learners are best able to make sense of information when they
hear it. They are better able to comprehend concepts and ideas when you explain
them. They often like listening to music and stories and can easily repeat back
information they've heard. For more on auditory learners, click here.


M said...

Oh look. You've been tagged. Hey. sometimes you've just gotta play along. See my blog for the ghetto fabulous 6th grade activity and rules! WOOT! So what if your blog is a nice, grown up, what do you do with your children kinda blog. Email me the answers if you don't wanna play along here! :) xoxo

Melanie said...

Do you have a link to the learning assessment?