Friday, May 29, 2009

8's meme

Here be Da Rules:1. Mention the person who tagged you.2. Complete the list of 8's.3. Tag 8 other bloggers.4. Tell them they have been tagged.

I was tagged by Jen, Abby and Tonya

Eight Things I Look Forward To:

1- having more money now that I work FT
2- vacation at the end of june
3- Tristan starting kindergarten in the fall
4- Tina's baby coming today :D
5- some sleep would be nice
6- going camping this summer
7- a clean house .. that stays relatively clean.
8- just life in general

Eight Things I Wish I Could Do

1- go to sleep right now
2- stay home with my kids and afford it
3- live in a larger house
4- have dogs that behave
5- visit some of my internet buddies I've known for almost 6 yrs and have never met
6- get all my sewing projects caught up
7- get my scrapbooks all caught up
8- take a nap

Eight Shows I Watch
1- house
2- bones
3- ellen
4- Road Rules/Real World challenge (the Duel) yes I'm a nerd
5- AI
6- So you Think you can Dance
7- Ghost hunters
8- Doll House

1- McDonalds
3- Subway
4- Ixtapa
5- Crown Burger
7- Dairy Delight
8- American Burger

8 of my Quirks:
1- I need lots of sleep to function properly
2- am addicted to working out but don't get to go as often anymore :(
3- not nearly as shy as I used to be
4- I snore.. really loud.. pretty sure it's sleep apnea but it's really embarrassing to sleep around anyone
5- I love my mommies group a ton!
6- Before my mommies group almost all of my friends existed in my computer
7- I met dh online, and have met some of my online buddies IRL
8- I have been married before... yes people are always shocked

Eight Friends I Am Tagging:

Let's see... my mommy friends who need tagging.


anyone else who may or may not read my blog lol

Eight Things I Did Yesterday

1- went on a tour of a small fire station
2- took Tristan to his kindergarten check up
3- ate at wendy's
4- Skipped soccer practice
5- stayed up way too late with a feverish and sick 5 yr old and a wired 3 yr old who took a power nap at 9pm
6- had pizza for dinner
7- read my book (Nineteen Minutes)
8- took a shower

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