Tuesday, October 03, 2006


This is a day late.. but Monday started our first day of "school". We are not doing a lot of structure because Tristan's only 3.. well almost 3 LOL He's a very active little boy and likes to switch activities often. Today did not start off as exciting as I imagined seeing as Tristan had a fever and spent most of the day sleeping/laying on the couch.

We did manage to read 2 Cow books today though, seeing as that is our theme of this week, while Tristan was in the tub getting his temperature down. One was called It's a Great Day to be a Cow and the other was just called Calfs (our vocabulary word this week) that showed a calf growing up. Tristan is not quite connecting that a calf IS a baby cow yet.. but hopefully later this week he will.

We sang 10 rounds or so of Old Macdonald too and Tristan had lots of fun making the animal sounds. Griffin thought we were insane though LOL. We didn't get to walk around like cows or make cow sounds but overall we had a great day!

1 comment:

M said...

Well you guys ARE whacko so I'm glad gman's getting used to it. ;)