Saturday, October 14, 2006

Catching up!

We've been super busy this week and kind of veered from our theme of jungles.. but that's ok.. life happens!

Tuesday we colored pictures of jungle animals. Tristan had a great time naming them all making all their sounds! He LOVES animals!! We have several bigger kid books about the jungle and he just enjoys looking at the animals in them. We read the Great Kapok tree but he wasn't very interested in the story, just the amazing illustrations.

Here our our pictures we colored. I'm pretty sure it's obvious who did what LOL

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

In this picture Tristan drew a ghost :)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Tues we also focused on the color green. We found green cars and green trains (which we have a zillion of each!) and looked for green in books too.

Weds we had a playgroup that kind of fizzled out with only one family showing up. Tristan had another of his freak outs and ended up sleeping through the whole thing. I'm not really sure where this sudden social anxiety came from but it makes me sad to see him so upset! Griffin had a great time playing with Talen, however. Crystal and I made some super cute Halloween cards and just had fun hanging out.

Thursday I don't remember too much of what we did. I believe it was mostly playing and laundry LOL. I've had a migraine all week so it's a miracle I remember all this ;)

Friday was my last day at the Farmer's Market so we spent the day getting mommy's van packed up and finishing some last minute items to sell. We hung out at the park all evening and it was quite tiring. Griffin spent most of it getting into things and Tristan spent time organizing Grandma's table LOL I didn't sell much but it was nice to get out of the house!

I'll post about this weekend later when it's over ;)


M said...

You're right. It IS obvious. Tell Tman good job on the 1st pic. His mommy needs a little help with the way she did the 2nd one. ;)

His ghost is adooooooooorable btw! WOOT! :)

Melanie said...

Woohoo! Fun jungle times :-) I love the little people pictures, he is doing a great job. His ghost is amazing too, I love their faces!