Friday, June 05, 2009

First Loose Tooth!

My baby is growing up!!! Last night at dinner he said mom I think I hurt my tooth. I didn't think so since it was just grilled cheese sandwiches so I asked to look at it and sure enough he has his first loose tooth! It's on the bottom right. I almost cried right then and there! Loose teeth, Kindergarten and he's almost 6! Who said he could grow up???

In other news he had his Kindergarten Assesment the other day and he did great! He can write his name, knew 17 capital letters and 10 lower case letters, counted to 12, knew all his shapes and colors, some letter sounds and could show which pictures started with the sound given by the teacher. He just needs some practice on pencil holding, rhyming and phonics. But so far so good! I'm so proud of him!

They gave him a book before he left and I showed him how to read the first page (the horse is brown) and he "read" the entire book by himself. I think it was mostly picture reading but before that know one else had read that book to him! I can't get over that he'll be reading soon too!

In some Griffin news, he knows the letter T and the letter O. I had no idea lol! We were sitting waiting for tristan's testing to finish and they had magnetic letters out there to play with. he grabbed each t and brought it to me and said t mom. T. Then he found all the O's and said o, mom, o! So proud of him! His speech seems to be getting a tiny bit better too, but he has a long ways to go!

1 comment:

King J, Queen M, Princess E and Princess M said...

So exciting! it's hard to cut those strings and watch them grow up isn't it?