Thursday, December 18, 2008

8 Things tag

I'm bored and Camille unofficially tagged me because I read her blog LOL So here it goes

TV Shows that I Watch
  1. House
  2. Bones
  3. Biggest Loser
  4. Jon and Kate Plus 8
  5. Dancing with the Stars
  6. American Idol
  7. So you think you can Dance
  8. Dog the Bounty Hunter

Books I Recommend

  1. Twilight
  2. Anything Mary Higgins Clark
  3. New Moon
  4. Eclipse
  5. Breaking Dawn
  6. The Host
  7. Pelican Brief (although the movie is better lol)
  8. Series of Unfortunate Events series

Things that Happened Yesterday

  1. Finished almost all my Xmas orders
  2. Went to the dollar store
  3. Went to the DI
  4. Made my boys sad (I feel like crap for it too!)
  5. Hung out with my sick son
  6. Started reading a new book
  7. Put gas in the truck
  8. Nearly got stranded 2 ft from the gas pupm because the truck was on fumes

Things I Look Forward To

  1. Christmas
  2. Christmas being over LOL
  3. TooeleMommies site bday party
  4. Paying off bills
  5. tax returns!
  6. The next scrapbook expo
  7. preschool next month with more kiddos!
  8. Coffee break with the girls tonight!

Things on My Wish List

  1. For my eletrical in my house to be upgraded
  2. For my house to be warmer
  3. a serger sewing machine.
  4. A clean house that STAYS clean
  5. Less bills (or more money either way)
  6. Griffin to talk more clearly
  7. To lose 50-100lbs (over time)
  8. Get my scrapbooks caught up (hahahaha)

Things I Love about Winter

  1. It ends.
  2. My boys playing in the snow
  3. warm cozy blankets
  4. not sweating to death cause it's 90 degrees in my house
  5. pretty untouched snow in the morning.
  6. hot cocoa
  7. Christmas is during it
  8. Only 3 more months til spring (I hope!)

People I Tag

Ummm anyone that actually reads my blog? LOL

1 comment:

Heather said...

Oh i like this one. I always get tagged but its the same stuff over and over. Give me a few days and I will blog this. I love biggest loser, such a great show!