Sunday, September 07, 2008

Game #2

We had Tristan's soccer game again Fri night. He again fell asleep on the way there so it sucked. I left him by the van (could still see him) pouting and crying until jason got there and bribed him over with a slurpee. About 5 mins before 1/2 time I took him over to the playground and let him play and then had him chase me with the soccer ball. He went and ate oranges with the team and then I went out on the field with him and he played almost the entire 2nd half! His team won again 7-3!!! Here's some pics :)

1st half (the kids in white were TINY)

Orange smiles at half time

Tristan playing

Me on the field with him

Cheesy shy smile

Throwing the ball in

Team cheer

huddle after the game

1 comment:

Heather said...

Glad he did better and is having fun!