Thursday, January 04, 2007

Now I know my ABC's

next time won't you sing with me?

Ok not quite but Tristan is starting to sing his ABC's with me and only skips the hard part and laughs during LMNOP. I don't blame him it's a mouthful LOL But he's getting the rest of it and will be singing it solo soon enough! He wants me to help him write his name, Griffin's name and mommy and daddy too. Time to really start working on letter recognition with him.

He's all about songs right now too. He loves I'm a little teapot and does the actions and he picked up the main verse of Twinkle Twinkle little star after mommy singing it just once. Not bad!

Griffin is doing great walking. I'm counting him as a walker even though he still crawls quite a bit but he does just as much (wobbly) walking too. My baby's growing up!

1 comment:

M said...

WOOT! Look at those grown up boys! Crazy crazy crazy!